National Strategy on Drugs

Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted its national Strategy for the Prevention and Suppression of Narcotic Drugs Abuse for 2009-2013 and its Action plan for the same period of time.

The Strategy sets out the following general objectives: Increasing awareness through community education to implement healthy lifestyles and mental health; Combating and preventing further spread of drug abuse; Prevention of the development of addiction, death and injury due to abuse of narcotic drugs; Reducing damage to the community caused by abuse of drugs; Reducing the demand for narcotic drugs, especially among young people; Strengthening institutional capacity and responsible involvement of society; Improvement of legislation and its implementation; Reducing the supply of drugs; Formation of an independent multisectoral Office for the Prevention of drug abuse at the state level.

The Action Plan to Combat Drug Abuse in Bosnia and Herzegovina is designed based upon the strategic objectives stemming from the state Strategy for the Prevention and Suppression of Narcotic Drugs Abuse for 2009.-2013, and it consistently monitors its content structure and terminology. For each of the strategic areas, the Action Plan defines the specific objectives, priority measures, activities, deadlines, holders of implementation and indicators of implementation of measures and activities.

According to the Law on the Prevention and Combating of the Abuse of Narcotic Drugs in Bosnia and Herzegovina that was passed in 2006, corresponding and coordinating bodies at the state level, which are responsible for implementing drug policy are the Commission and Office for Suppressing Narcotic Drug Abuse (...)