Las sanciones por delitos de drogas en Europa

El Observatorio Europeo de las Drogas y las Toxicomanías (OEDT) ha desarrollado una herramienta que permite examinar y comparar las sanciones o las respuestas de rehabilitación a los principales delitos de uso, posesión para uso personal y otros delitos relacionados con la oferta en los países europeos.


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A modo de ejemplo, tomamos dos países de Europa, Austria y Reino Unido. Seleccionamos los aspectos de penalización, y el sitio nos permitió obtener datos precisos para poder compararlos.


Question Austria United Kingdom
Penalty varies by drug? The penalty ranges for supply usually vary according to whether the drugs are classed as narcotics or psychotropics. Narcotic Substances Act (SMG), s. 28a, s. 31a. Punishment is linked to the class of drugs involved (A, B, C, with A being the most harmful). Misuse of Drugs Act s. 4, Schedule 4.
Penalty varies by quantity?


Limit quantities are defined in the "Limit Quantity Decree". Penalty ranges for supply vary according to whether the quantity is under or over the threshold, over 15x the threshold quantity, or over 25x the threshold quantity. These also vary by the type of drug involved (narcotic or psychotropic). Narcotic Substances Act (SMG), s. 28a, s. 31a.


Punishment is linked to the class of drugs involved (A, B, C, with A being the most harmful) but not to the quantity. Misuse of Drugs Act s. 4, Schedule 4.

Penalty (response) varies for addiction?


Lower maximum penalties for supply offences are provided for addicted offenders, depending on the crime committed the punishment shall not exceed 1, 3 or 5 years of imprisonment. Penalties are not lower for addicted offenders in case of most serious crimes, e.g. involving very large amounts of drugs or when committed as a member of a large criminal organisation. Narcotic Substances Act (SMG), s. 28a (3), s. 31a (4).

Penalty does not vary by addiction factor. Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.