Las políticas de drogas en la mayoría de los países de la región se centran casi exclusivamente en la aplicación de la ley, con poco espacio para la protección de la salud y la inclusión social. Sin embargo, algunos países han respondido recientemente a la demanda creciente de tratamiento y rehabilitación con algunos servicios de salud y de reducción de daños.


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Drug Situation

There is limited data and information on illicit drug production, trafficking, and consumption. This can be attributed to the lack of capacities for data collection and analysis. Such information is essential, however, for the development of effective drug policies.


Cannabis has for centuries been grown in northern Morocco's Rif Mountains


North Africa has the greatest number of cannabis resin seizures on the continent. This is largely attributable to Morocco, which has historically been the world’s leading global supplier of cannabis resin. However, although Morocco remains a prominent producer, there are indications that cannabis resin production is declining. This can be attributed to increased enforcement efforts, as well as a shift in production trends in Western and Central Europe allowing demand for cannabis herb to be satisfied by local production. (World Drug Report, 2013). 



Since 2010, heroin and opium seizures have declined in Iran, seemingly as a result of enforcement efforts. However, alternative trafficking routes seem to have emerged in the region (although data on the proliferation of trafficking routes in North Africa continue to be very limited). Methamphetamine trafficking tends to originate in Benin and Nigeria, and the substance is then trafficked through MENA countries including Libya, Egypt, Qatar, and the UAE, on route to East and South East Asia. Cannabis resin originating in Morocco travels through Algeria before reaching Europe via Spain (World Drug Report, 2013).

North Africa has observed increases in seizures of cannabis herb and cocaine. Egypt has seen a steady increase in heroin seizures, although this is largely attributed to a rise in Egyptian consumption (INCB 2013, Africa).



In North Africa, the consumption of opioids, cannabis, ATS, and cocaine have been increasing since 2012 (INCB 2013, Africa).  Egypt now has the highest consumption of heroin in North Africa, as well as a high demand for cannabis, although the consumption of this substance is prominent throughout all of North Africa (INCB 2013, Africa). Recent information on drug use in Algeria shows that there has been an increase in the use of cocaine, cannabis, tranquilizers, and sedatives, while Morocco has seen an increased consumption of cocaine and opiates. The illicit use of other substances has remained stable in these countries (World Drug Report, 2013).